söndag, november 29, 2009

They drank holy water like animals at supper

Läst på FML (Twilight-tema får det bli eftersom the FML's är så sjukt roliga pga vad de handlar om haha):

"Today, I kissed my iced over window to know what kissing Edward Cullen would be like. My neighbor saw. My first reaction was to come up with a cover story. I licked the window and wiped my sleeve over it to look like I was cleaning it. My neighbor came over later and gave me an early Christmas gift. Windex. FML"

"Today, I woke up and looked in the mirror and noticed that my face was covered in glittler. I asked my wife about it and she said she put it on me while I was sleeping so that I would sparkle like Edward from Twilight when I'm in the sunlight. FML"

Nu har jag förresten äntligen fått tag på mitt blåa strössel! Man behövde visst bege sig till en ICA-butik för att få tag på det. Insåg detta tack vare Malin och min moster.

2 kommentarer:

niffin sa...

Hahaha, snacka om Twilight-överdos! :D

(Var det så enkelt som ICA..!)

Thina sa...

Haha ja, finns en del galna fans! ;)

(Precis! Och här försökte man med alla andra möjliga och omöjliga vägar! Hehe)